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Aging Out of Foster Care

What does aging out mean?

“Emancipating’ or “aging out” of foster care means that when a youth who is in foster care reaches the age of 18 they may lose of the supports they counted on while in foster care - financial, educational, social, and otherwise.

The percentage of youth that age out of foster care increased, from 8 percent in 2003, to 10 percent in 2013, or roughly 23,000 per year.

The Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 amended Title IV-E to extend the age of Title IV-E eligibility from 18 to 21. States are now able to claim federal reimbursement for the costs of foster care maintenance payments made on behalf of Title IV-E eligible foster youth until they are 21 years old. To qualify for reimbursement, Title IV-E eligible foster youth age 18 and older must be either completing high school or participating in an equivalent program; enrolled in postsecondary or vocational school; participating in a program or activity designed to promote or remove barriers to employment; employed for at least 80 hours per month; or incapable of doing any of these activities due to a medical condition.

They can be living independently in a supervised setting as well as placed in a foster home or group care setting, but the protections afforded to foster children under age 18 (e.g., judicial or administrative case review every 6 months) still apply. State child welfare agencies are also required to help young people develop a youth-directed transition plan during the 90 days immediately before they exit care.

If you are aging out:

Sign up for iFoster, it’s free and there are resources that might help you.

Call iFoster at 1.855.936.7837 and we can assist.

Aging Out

Click here to watch a video on aging out done by the LA Times
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If you are aging out of foster care, please sign up to use iFoster's free resources.

iFoster can help you successfully transition to adulthood. Call or email us to find out how we can help you.


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