Life changing resources for children and youth

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iFoster For Agencies

Think of iFoster as a benefits program for foster care. We want to make life a little easier by providing some of the resources and tools you might struggle to find for your clients. Rather than each of you spending your time finding resources, we want to do it on your behalf. 


 iFoster Resources.jpg Support your clients by finding the resource they need                                      

Don’t waste your valuable time, check out the iFoster Resource Portal for hundreds of national, regional and local resources to see what’s available. We have partnered with over 300 corporations, government agencies and non-profits to bring you products and services that work. We cover educational, employment, health, recreational and daily living. And using our resource portal has been proven to work. A formal evaluation for Children's Bureau has shown that families who use the portal have decreased family needs, improved caregiver well-being, improved child well-being, and increased permanency!

Help us by giving us feedback on what resources you need. If what you need isn’t in the portal yet, give us a call or drop us an email and we’ll see what we can do. Chances are if you need it, others will too.

iFoster Digital Locker.jpg
 Provide Tools and Job Opportunities to Your Youth                      

Our TAY Assistant is an online personal assistant that helps youth manage their life. They can store documents in a secure, data encrypted locker, find resources, apply for programs, and keep track of it all so they are in control of what they need to get ahead. 

And in certain communities, iFoster has launched its iFoster Jobs Program for TAY. Our jobs program provides TAY with the training and supports they need to earn liveable wage jobs. iFoster partners with national and regional Employers like Starbucks, Krogers, and CVS to ensure that our youth are first in line for job opportunities and interviews. iFoster is actively seeking child welfare partnerships across the country to bring this program to your community.

 Gift Box.png Reward Your Kiddos for their Accomplishments!                          

Whether it is success in school, getting your first job, volunteering or being a role model, iFoster wants to reward both children and youth. Youth can share their successes with iFoster directly through their Digital Locker, while Caregivers and Organizations can share accomplishments of the children and young people in their care through their Caregiver or Worker account. Every month, iFoster will reward and recognize achievements with congratulatory cards and gifts from our corporate partners.

Joining iFoster

* All employees of government agencies, NPOs or faith-based orgs supporting children and youth in foster, kinship and crossover care are eligible

* Your foster and kinship families, and TAY clients are also eligible to become members

* Membership is FREE. Sign up by clicking on the Member Sign up tab or calling iFoster at 1-855-936-7837

Overview of iFoster

A video tour of iFoster's services

iFoster is a 501c3 non-profit organization. EIN 80-0627614 Call us: 1-855-9FOSTER (936-7837)

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