Great for Foster Kids - Great for Business
iFoster is the bridge between a unique online community of
caregivers and organizations raising children & youth, and the businesses
that provide the resources, recognition, and opportunities that they need.
 | Sell and Donate Products & Services to Our Community |
iFoster is an incredibly
effective and efficient marketing channel to the caregivers and organizations
raising over 2 million children and youth nationwide. We ask our community what resources they most use or need,
and then invite business partners to make those resources available to them
through our members-only online portal. There is no cost to our business
partners, we only ask that you help our community by passing along your savings
in marketing, advertising and sales costs. By supporting our community in this
way, they will support your business.
Got goods that didn't sell? Donate them for their full retail price plus shipping to iFoster! We'll send them out as rewards to congratulate our children and youth on their successes such as good grades, first job, and volunteering. Got even more product to donate? We can help you distribute them to thousands kids in need.
 | Hire Pre-Qualified and Trained Foster Youth |
Hire our youth! Join our Grocery Industry Partners in working with iFoster to provide a pipeline of pre-qualified candidates for your part-time and full-time jobs and change the life of a foster youth aging out of care. Find out how we work with business to pre-qualify, train and make our foster youth job ready for your specific job opportunities. Visit our iFoster Jobs to learn more.
And Do It for Your Business, Your Employees and Your Community
Build your brand and increase market share by aligning your company with the families and supporters of the over 3 Million children and youth who will spend time in our foster or kinship care. Support for your employees, suppliers and business partners, of which 1 in 11 will be directly involved in child welfare, and many more will be impacted by family members who are involved in child welfare. And employ a youth and save $1 Million in lifetime economic burden to your community.