Life changing resources for children and youth

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iFoster Jobs

Perhaps the most life-changing opportunities we can provide our youth are good jobs. The iFoster jobs program gives foster youth progressing toward independence this opportunity - stable, well paid career opportunities with our employer partners. 

• 30,000 youth age out of foster care every year at the age of 18 to 21.
• <20% feel prepared to be independent, let alone succeed. As a result within 4 years of existing care:
50% will have no earnings and those with earnings will have an average income of only $7,500 per year.
• 50% will spend time in a homeless shelter.
• 70% will be on government assistance.
• Resulting in an >$1Million economic burden to society per failed youth.

How iFoster Pre-Qualifies Youth for Jobs

iFoster works with community partners to train youth to be successful in a variety of careers and employers in the grocery industry. We train our youth, assess job readiness, and match their abilities and interests to employers and jobs. We also make sure youth have the resources they need to be successful on the job, whether that’s job training and soft skills, or concrete resources like housing stability, transportation, or a cell phone. We can’t guarantee a job. All we ask is that our jobs partners give our youth first priority at an interview. We make sure our youth are prepared, and so far it’s working fantastically.

“It’s been just a phenomenal partnership. The people who come to work for us through iFoster are ideal candidates and employees and really have been a wonderful addition to our workforce.” 

Kendra Doyel, Ralphs and Food 4 Less

Our First 2 Years Impact

> Over 350 Foster Youth employed

> Over $15 Million Earned

> 90% retention rate after 6 mos

> Average time to promotion 3.2 mos

> 20 Major Corporate Employers

> iFoster Jobs Scholarship program

> Congressional recognition 

> Employer Tax Credit bill

> CBS Story on Frankie, our first hire! click here


If you are interested in participating in the iFoster Jobs Program, please complete one of the following forms:

Employer interested in hiring Pre-Qualified Foster Youth - click here

Agency serving Foster Youth interested in partnering - click here

Current/Former Foster Youth interested in employment - click here

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iFoster is a 501c3 non-profit organization. EIN 80-0627614 Call us: 1-855-9FOSTER (936-7837)

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