Life changing resources for children and youth

Learning Center

Coming Soon..

Improving Employment Outcomes for Transition-Age Foster Youth
Microsoft has provided 9,000 Windows and Office software and is committed to providing more to iFoster's 1 Laptop Program
iFoster hosts Congressional Briefing for iFoster Jobs Program
Be Santa to a Local Foster Child
Employer tax credit bill for hiring transition-age current and former foster youth
Congresswoman Doris Matsui honors iFoster!
NPR California Report on iFoster's 1 Laptop Program
Building on the success of iFoster's 1 Laptop Program, and the study results of terrible computer access for foster youth, an new coalition has been formed to address these issues.
A new study on the impact for Foster Youth of having a laptop
iFoster Co-Founder Touts Grocery Industry for Foster Youth Jobs Program
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Our Impact

40,000 Members and Growing
9,000+ TAY Youth members
3,500+ Agencies use iFoster

$50 M in delivered programs 

Resulting in:

Improved grades
Improved social connectiveness
Improved self-esteem
Improved well-being
Improved caregiver well-being


"“These are great kids that just happen to have had some bad luck in their lives. They make fantastic employees, really fit our culture well, and programs like iFoster partner with us to turn their talents into job success.” – MARK FOLEY, RALEY’S FAMILY OF FINE STORES"
"“It’s just been a phenomenal partnership. The people who come to work for us through iFoster are ideal employes and have been a wonderful addition to our workforce.” – KENDRA DOYLE, RALPH’S AND FOOD 4 LESS"
"I"m now able to complete homework at home. Thanks to Ifoster."

iFoster is a 501c3 non-profit organization. EIN 80-0627614 Call us: 1-855-9FOSTER (936-7837)

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